Your most important purchase?
Cartwright Hands has an extremely strong presence in the Midlands and wider region surveying sector with our surveyor’s carrying out hundreds of Surveys and Valuations each year. All are carried out quickly and with the highest level of professionalism and integrity, and are tailor-made to your requirements to give you peace of mind.
We have represented our clients' interests in both the Residential and Commercial sectors for over 100 years and have undertaken surveys on a range of properties from multi million pound country residencies and portfolios to properties with a valuation of less than £50,000.
What are my options?
Don't forget that your bank or building society is basically only concerned that the property provides security for the loan and therefore does not carry out a detailed inspection.
RICS Homebuyers' Survey and Valuation
The RICS HomeBuyers' Survey is in a user friendly format designed specifically as an economy service.
It is intended only for particular types of properties; houses, flats, maisonettes and bungalows which are;
- Conventional in type and construction
- Apparently in reasonable condition
- It focuses on essentials; defects and problems which are urgent or significant and thus have an effect on the value of the property. Because of the practical limits on the type of property and the scope of its coverage, the HomeBuyers' service is priced mid-range, more expensive than a mortgage valuation but less than a building survey
Our main objective in providing the service is to assist the prospective home buyer to-
- Make a reasonable and informed judgement to proceed or not to proceed with the purchase
- Assess whether or not the property is a reasonable purchase at the agreed price
- Be clear what decisions and actions should be taken before contracts are exchanged
The surveyor also gives his or her professional opinion on the particular features of the property which effect its present value or may effect its future marketability.
Cartwright Hands undertakes valuations for owners, occupiers, banks, investors, developers and institutions. Some of the valuations undertaken include -
- Acquisitions and disposals
- Lease extension and freehold enfranchisement
- Loan Security
- Taxation
- Balance sheet analysis
- Charities act
- Expert witness/Court Proceedings
- Probate purposes
- Development appraisals
- Compulsory purchase and compensation
- In conjunction with our commercial department Cartwright Hands can advise commercial clients on real estate issues that arise from Landlord and tenant relationships: rent review, lease renewal, lease restructuring, dilapidations and dispute resolution